Ruma Rs
Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Ruma, Sremski okrug, Srbija. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances.
- 22 400 Ruma, Srbija. Kontakt info Telefon: +381 (22) 470 930 E-mail:
- Get the forecast for today, tonight & tomorrow's weather for Ruma, Srem, Serbia. Hi/Low, RealFeel®, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend!
Rumekon Company was founded in 1998 as a family company with a modest manufacturing program. The company was originally organized as a SPB (Sole Proprietorship Business.) which was a complementary activity with a lot of field work and no office space.
![Ruma Ruma](
In 2003 the organization of the company changes to SPTB (Sole Proprietorship and Trade Business.) where the activity is extended to trade.In that period new products are made and we start to rent office space in order to achieve given goals. The company develops and expands its manufacturing program adjusting its products to the world standards. Management of the company is increasingly turning towards ecology and making products that help environmental protection.
In 2005 at the Leskovac Fair we win the gold medal from Recycling Agency of Serbia In 2007 due to the volume of work and receiving a large number of workers we change our status from CTC to LLC In 2009 the Company constructs its business premises of 2,000 m2, and with total number of 50 employees we make a solid and respectable company whose progress is yet to expect in the following period.
In recent years exporting to international markets makes 60-70% of total production, mostly to the EU countries.Now we can say that we have become a serious and reliable partner, completely devoted to our customers, fulfilling all their needs and taking into account all their suggestions, ideas and special requirements so that we fully justify our motto: Rumekon - Your partner!
If You have any question,
please call us or send email
Master Bus Ruma Beograd
+381 022/490 - 087Human resources
Our company offers a wide range of highly skilled people who can respond to any request by the market place.
Prodaja Kuca Ruma
Our main activity is the production of products from the environmental program, sitos program, steel structures and other products per your request.